Hello folks! Sorry it’s been so long. All together, these last four months have been one for the history books, even if we don’t know it yet. This post is really long, so here’s a brief highlights list. An AI joining the International Space Station crew Tommy Hilfiger introduces clothes with computer chips E-hallpass that […]
Big Data Needs Big Regulations
This is a short policy brief exploring the the problems posed by Big Data companies and potential solutions. I) Executive Summary Big Data companies thrive on the unregulated control and processing of massive amounts of information. This has resulted in several problems, political, economic, and psychological. Politically, Big Data companies have accumulated disproportionate influence within federal […]
Round up for March 2018
16 news stories from March that are proof we are living in a cyberpunk future.
A list of social media’s Frankensteins
A continually updated list of social media engineers, developers, and executives who have expressed regret over the online world they’ve helped build.